Final Reflection

This project has been so eye-opening for me as a bi-cultural student at Lovett. I loved to be able to talk with people and their personal experiences. I though I knew what each response would be but I was totally off! Instead each interview gave me a clearer view of where the problem was. I thought the problem was with the kids, but I found out that it was really the education they were receiving. The recommendations I was tasked with giving Lovett will be focusing on curriculum shifts in the religion and history departments.

Race and religion are touchy subjects and I found it very hard to navigate that road. Even with questions I asked, I needed to be very careful so I wouldn't offend or anger anyone. At the end of the day, it's a good way for people to explore other cultures and know the personal thoughts of those students.

My ultimate hope is for Lovett students to be ready to interact with the world around them, which is becoming increasingly closer. Hopefully, some will pursue language studies or travel more after being inspired by this documentary.

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